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English translation for "crop land"


Related Translations:
crop rotation:  轮作, 轮种轮作法轮作制
afterreap crop:  后茬作物
crop conditioning:  农产品干燥
auto crop:  自动裁切
cash crops:  经济作物商品作物
annual crops:  年收成
nurse crops:  保护作物。
fallow crops:  休闲作物
xerophilous crop:  喜旱植物
leading crop:  主要作物
Example Sentences:
1.Huge amounts of crop land , animals and property have been destroied ( destroyed )
2.Implementary experience of project of returning cropping land to forage land in guoluo prefecture
3.The program suggests the planting of things like native grass or trees to reduce the loss of soil from crop lands
4.Three trials were carried out by hualien , taoyuan and tainan district agricultural research and extension stations to evaluate the new sulfonylurea herbicide flazasulfuron for the control of weeds in non - crop land by post - emergence application
摘要本研究于东部花莲及西部桃园、台南地区之不同气候环境下,分别进行25 %伏速隆水分散性粒剂之田间筛选试验,以探讨防除非耕地杂草之有效施用方法,提供农民使用之依据。
5.In different phases of development , vegetation systems in this region have changed from pioneer herbage species initially recovering in abandoned cropping lands ( bothriochloa ischemum , artenmisia giradii and stipa bungeana , artenmisia sacrorum , spodiopogen sibiricus and sophora flavecens , themeda japonica , and arundinella anomala ) to secondary shrubs ( hippophae rhamnoides , sophora viciifdia , and ostryopsis davidiana ) , early forest community ( populus davidiana , betula platyphylla and platycladus orientalis with arbors or shrub assembling ) , and finally liaotungesis community as the mature forest . in this study , soil profiles ( 0 - 5 , 5 - 15 , 15 - 25 , 25 - 35 , 35 - 50 cm soil layers ) were selected from typical vegetation systems representing for vegetation successions in the region
该区北部目前还保存有空间上完整的植被正向演替系列,即弃耕地先锋群落草本群落(白羊草bothriochloaischemum 、茭蒿artenmisiagiradii +长茅草stipabungeana 、铁杆蒿artenmisiasacrorum 、大油芒spodiopogensibiricus +苦参sophoraflavecens 、黄菅草themedajaponica或野古草arundinellaanomala )灌丛群落(沙棘hippophaerhamnoides 、狼牙刺sophoraviciifdia 、虎榛子ostryopsisdavidiana )早期森林群落(乔灌群聚、山杨populusdavidiana 、白桦betulaplatyphylla 、侧柏platycladusorientalis 、 )辽东栎群落( quercusliaotungensis ) 。
6.Grain crops land decreased by 27 . 3 thousand hectares at a speed of 6 % annually . driving forces differ in different periods , but income per capita , proportion of non - farmers , value of tertiary line , industrial value and cropping value are major driving factors in all periods . these driving factors influence reciprocally land use change , play a vital role in structural change of land use to promote land use transfer towards suburban multifunction
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